Table of Contents
- Should I wear a face mask or cover for coronavirus protection?
- How do you effectively wear a face mask?
- Can a face mask hinder coronavirus from spreading?
- Are masks for the Public?
- What are the risk factors for COVID-19
- Should both COVID-19 Patients and their Caregivers wear masks?
- Research and References
Should I wear a face mask or cover for coronavirus protection?

Wear a mask in public
Definitely, if you are in a public place where you will meet other people, you should wear a mask.
How do you effectively wear a face mask?
Your mask should cover your face from the bridge of your nose to below your chin. It should be loose-fitting but still adequately secure to stay in place. Make sure you can converse with your mask on and that it doesn’t irritate you, so you are not drawn to touch it or pull it out of place, which could put you at risk from touching your face or limit its effectiveness.
Can a face mask hinder coronavirus from spreading?
Face masks help avoid the spread of COVID-19. Because it’s possible to have coronavirus void of showing symptoms, it is best to put on a face-covering even if you think you are healthy. A mask assists in containing small droplets that come out of your mouth and nose when you converse, sneeze, or cough. If you have COVID-19 and are not symptomatic, a face mask minimizes your chance of spreading the infection to others.
Are masks for the Public?
According to the CDC, recent studies show a significant portion of people who have COVID-19 don’t display symptoms, and the virus can spread before they know they are sick. This research, combined with the fact that the coronavirus can spread through the close range to others, often by speaking, coughing, or sneezing, consequentially led to the recommendation for the general public to wear masks in public.
What are the risk factors for COVID-19
This would include people above age 65 and those living with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic lung disease, immunity issues, or cancer. While physical distancing and frequent sanitizing are the best ways to protect against COVID-19, you should confer with your doctor about the best option for you.
Should both COVID-19 Patients and their Caregivers wear masks?

If someone at home is infected wear a mask
To protect yourself from the dispersal of droplets, a surgical or cloth mask should be worn in a home setting by those with COVID-19 when they are near others. If the person who is ill cannot wear a mask, their caregiver should put one on. Patients being treated in a hospital scenario will follow hospital procedures.