Like many things, CPAP machine cleaners have an expected length of time that they will clean efficiently. Like most other electronic devices, the life expectancy given is only a guess towards the amount of time it will continue to work. There are a few factors which will drastically affect the life of your CPAP cleaning device.

– Are you using the cleaner on a single machine?
– Have you cared adequately for your CPAP cleaning device?
– What kind of CPAP cleaning device do you have?
o SoClean devices typically have a one-year warranty; however, they were tested to last longer than five years with effective cleaning. This test simulated proper care and replacement of filters as needed. If the SoClean is appropriately cared for it could last even longer.
o Lumin CPAP cleaning machines do have a limited one year warranty but can last much longer than that with proper care. The light bulbs in the Lumin cleaners are said to last even longer than the life of the machine its self.
o The VirtuClean Cleaners offer an 18-month warranty with the life expectancy of the device to more than outlive that warranty as well.

The typical time frame for the manufactures warranty on almost any CPAP cleaning device is typically one year to 18 months. All device manufacturers state that the devices themselves should out last those warranties with proper care and use.”

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